——- Heart of the strings ——-
- S. Bach: Ciaccona, iz 2. partite za violinu solo u d-molu BWV 1004
E. Ysaÿe: Sonata za violinu solo op. 27 br. 3 u d-molu, Ballade - Schubert/H. W. Ernst: Erlkönig
N. Paganini: Capriccio br. 6
M. Miletic: Ples za violinu solo
A. Piazzolla: Tango – etida br. 3
F. Tarrega/ R. Ricci: Recuerdos de la Alhambra
N. Paganini: Nel cor piu non mi sento, Introdukcija i varijacije na temu iz opere La molinara G. Paisiella
Edi Šiljak kroz osebujnu ekspresiju i stil, virtuoznost i zanos, te istinsku ljepotu fraze i tona oživljava tradiciju starih violinskih umjetnika. …izuzetno rijedak muzičar, koji u svojoj kreativnosti spaja rusko-sovjetsku violinističku školu kojoj pripada sa vlastitim i jedinstvenim izrazom… – O. Shourgot.
Violinu počinje učiti u devetoj godini u Glazbenoj školi Ivana Matetića Ronjgova u Rijeci. Bio je stipendist Grada Rijeke, postizavši iznimne rezultate na natjecanjima kao solist od kojih se ističu I. nagrada na XV. Međunarodnom natjecanju Lions Grand Prix te prve nagrade na državnim natjecanjima komornih sastava s triom. Diplomirao je na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi profesora Oresta Shourgota, a tijekom svog glazbenog školovanja usavršava se kod mnogih uglednih glazbenika. Kroz diplomski rad ‘Uloga capriccia Pietra Locatellia u razvoju violinske tehnike’ iskazuje svoj veliki interes za smjer razvitka instrumentalne tehnike violine, a naročito ga zanimaju i nove mogućnosti glazbeno-tehničkog izraza. Ostvario je značajne recitale i nastupe u Hrvatskoj i nekoliko europskih zemalja kao solist, komorni glazbenik i ansamblist.
Predaje violinu u Umjetničkoj školi M. B. Rašana.
Svira na majstorskim violinama svog oca Robert Šiljak Toffettia.
Piše poeziju, te dovršava svoju prvu zbirku poezije na engleskom jeziku.
Edi Šiljak through his exuberant expression and style, virtuosity and fervor, true beauty of phrase and captivating sound revives the tradition of the past masters of the violin. …truly rare artist, which in his creativity blends the russian-soviet violin school to which he belongs with his individual and unique voice… – O. Shourgot
Born in Rijeka, started to play the violin at the age of 9 in the Ivan Matetić Ronjgov music school. A scholarship holder of the City of Rijeka, he achieved exceptional results at competitions as a soloist, of which the 1st prize at the XV. International Lions Grand Prix competition and first prizes at national competitions of chamber ensembles with trios. Graduating from the Music Academy in Zagreb in the class of professor Orest Shourgot, during his studies he learned from many renowned musicians. Through his thesis ‘The role of caprices by Pietro Locatelli in the development of violin technique’ he expresses great interest in the direction of development of the instrumental violin technique, and is especially interested in new possibilities of musical and technical expression. He has given notable recitals and performances in Croatia and several European countries as a soloist, chamber musician and ensemble player.
He teaches violin at the M. B. Rašan Art School.
He plays on the master violins made by his father Robert Šiljak Toffetti.
He writes poetry, currently completing his first book of poetry in English
——- Edi Šiljak, violina ——-